
Friday, January 11, 2013

Daniel Fast - Week One

I'm fasting. 

Not just any fast but a spiritual fast too. 

I'm participating in a Daniel Fast with my church for the next 21 days and it's been quite an experience. I'm on day 6 right now so I chose to use this blog to go over some of my struggles, Daniel Fast recipes and thoughts with where I'm at.

The Daniel Fast is pretty simple. We're allowed to eat all fruits, vegetables, whole grains (whole wheat pasta, quinoa, brown rice, whole wheat bread and tortillas) legumes and nuts. We can only drink water throughout the entire fast so that means absolutely no coffee. (Struggle #1) 

I'm also participating in a separate fast my Pastor suggested in addition to this. 

Week one- No Media (TV, news, radio, I'm still using the internet but I stay away from my google reader and the news)

Week two - Say three positive things to the people you know. No negative words. 

Week three - Do random acts of kindness.

First of all, it doesn't help that my past posts are about rich cupcakes and tasty cakes either. I have a major sweet tooth and I'd give up meat before giving up my beloved cookies and cakes. Plus baking relaxes me. (Struggle #2)

So here we go. 

Day one was definitely the hardest day for me, which I kind of expected. I'm used to waking up and turning on the news while I'm getting ready for work. The funny thing is I'm getting out the door earlier than I've ever been. I don't know if it's because I'm being less distracted but it feels good to be on time for once. 

I usually look forward coming in to work because I can sit down and drink my first cup of coffee. You see, coffee is my weakness. My last meal on this earth would probably be a good quality chocolate cake, fudge and a cup of french roast coffee. So not having to drink coffee was something I wasn't looking forward to. I sat at my desk with a banana and a cup of water feeling unsatisfied and irritated. On top of that, I got the biggest headache in the middle of day. One of my co-workers stopped by my desk and told me "I looked lost." The food wasn't too much of an issue but the lack of caffeine was kicking my butt. 

Day two arrived and I felt better. I noticed I was much more relaxed and my usual feeling of anxiousness disappeared. I began to question whether coffee was the culprit for my anxiety and restlessness issues all along but it was too early to tell. 

Day three. Yup, coffee was the problem. I'm full of energy (yet still fatigued) and I feel good. The last time I gave up coffee was when I was pregnant with my daughter. Pregnancy alone messed with my hormones so I didn't get to notice my burst of energy.

Before I go on, I know I'm spending a lot of time explaining my coffee (or lack of) experience but it's so much more than that. The Daniel Fast is a great way to feel closer to the Lord and I've been feeling a big difference in my faith. I've spent more time reading the word and devotionals on how to become a better parent and a wife. I already feel a difference on how I treat my daughter and my husband. Instead of walking through the door feeling irritated about a messy house, I set my purse down and spend time with my family. Cooking and cleaning can wait.  

When I feel stressed about a situation or when I'm having difficulty with the fast, I pray. I pray for strength and the extra push to get me through whatever I need to get through. 

The amazing part of it all is that I'm only on Day 6! Imagine what I'll be feeling in a couple of weeks. I'm not saying that it'll be an easy journey but I know I'll be stronger and wiser once I'm done. 

Just like my pastor said, "If you want to change something in your life, do something about it." 

And in case you were wondering, I haven't lost a pound either. Just the feeling of putting natural foods in my system makes me feel healthier. I remember thinking this fast would help me lose some of the weight gain from the holidays but so far it hasn't and I'm ok with that. 

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